


jane eyre.

Jane Eyre: 
"Remember, the shadows are just as important as the light." 

jane eyre 1 303x450 Jane Eyre Movie PosterJane Eyre

Mr. Brocklehurst: And what is hell? Can you tell me that? 

Young Jane: A pit full of fire. 
Mr. Brocklehurst: And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there forever? 
Young Jane: No sir. 
Mr. Brocklehurst: What must you do to avoid it? 

Young Jane: Keep well and and not die, sir. 

Last night Ry & I went finally went to see Jane Eyre*. First we picked up some thai food at the Thai House (such a cute restaurant in downtown SR) and brought our steamy bowls of curry & rice to the movie with us. I always love our movie dates especially after a long day at work, and at first I was unsure about the movie but I absolutely loved it! Such a whimsical, ethereal, gothic film. I love Jane. I admired her character's sense of morality, independence, and wit. Now I can't wait to read the book! Cheers to making my summer book list!

*a special thanks to the husband, who works two jobs, one of which allows us to see free movies!


  1. I loved the movie. It's remarkable how much it's like the book. They did a really great job with it. Of course the book is better, but that goes without saying.

  2. I love that movie!!!!thnx for the lovely comment!!!!!

  3. I haven't seen the movie but loved the book. I even wrote an essay on a state test on it in high school. Maybe I can convince my fellow to go see it with me, though I got him to watch a whimsical movie with me recently so it might take a good amount of convincing.

    (It was Micmacs and it was lovely. He teases me about like "whimsical" movies which is fine because I tease him about liking philosophical foreign films.)

  4. I haven't seen this, but I have heard so much good about it.
    I wish you a wonderful Sunday!


  5. i didn't even know there was a new jane eyre! that's the girl from alice in wonderland right? i will have to check this out!

  6. ooh, I've been wanting to see this! Movie dates are the best, especially when you can bring in dinner :)
